The Sprayer
News and Information about the BELSPRAY sprayer
Nov 1999 / Issue No 3                                                                                                       from BX Plant limited

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BX Plant Limited have now introduced hand sprayers for bitumen emulsion to their range of sprayers.

We are now able to offer the following:

Belspray Hand 205

A hand sprayer which comprises a Strong Arm drum mover with a hand pump unit assembly fitted onto the castor plate at the back. The pump used is a double diaphragm pump which has been adapted to suit our requirements. The drum mover enables one person to lift and move a full drum of bitumen and the hand pump is very easy to use and maintain.

Belspray Hand 25

A hand sprayer which has been designed for use with 25 litre drums, either square or round. The pump is the same as for the Belspray Hand 205 above.

Other Options

The Belspray Hand 205 is available as a stand alone unit for bolting directly onto the back of a truck.

It is also available with a drum mounting plate which allows the pump to be securely held in place directly over a drum.




BX Plant Sales (now BX Plant limited) and Belmix Ltd before them, have for many years manufactured the Belspray sprayer fitted with a Briggs & Stratton engine only. We have been asked from time to time to fit other makes of engines.

BX Plant Sales are pleased to announce that they now stock the following engines:

Honda GX120HX
Robin EY15

The above engines can be fitted in place of the Briggs & Stratton engines. There is a small additional charge for fitting them due to the difference in prices.

We have also introduced a diesel version of our New Belspray. We are now able to offer

Hatz or Robin Diesel Engines

Please let us know if any other improvements can be made to the Belspray sprayer. We aim to be the No. 1 sprayer in the UK.

Contact Rosemary Hodge for further details about the Belspray sprayer at

BX Plant limited

22 Eastmead Industrial Estate
Lavant, CHICHESTER, West Sussex PO18 0DE

Tel: 01243 781970 Fax: 01243 533547

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BX Plant limited
22 Eastmead Industrial Estate, Lavant, Chichester, West Sussex PO18 0DE

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Last modified: May 23, 2000