Into the 21st Century
During 1999 BX Plant limited introduced many new sprayers to the BELSPRAY
range (and we changed our company name from BX Plant Sales to BX Plant limited!)
The range now comprises:
- Hand-operated sprayer for 205 litre drums
- Hand-operated sprayer for 25 litre drums
- Motorised direct-from-drum sprayers with choice of chassis:
- Classic (four wheeled)
- Pump unit (no wheels)
- New Belspray with drum handler
all with a choice of petrol engines:
- Honda
- Robin
- Briggs & Stratton
- New Belspray with a Hatz diesel engine
All sprayers are available for
- Cold bitumen emulsion
- Concrete cure material
We have also extended our range of drum handling equipment. We are now
able to lift, tilt and turn drums - no power needed!
New for SED 2000
We are now busily working on a trailer sprayer which will be able to carry
two drums. It will be fitted out with a small crane able to load drums and a pump unit
Belspray sprayer - so that one person can load the drums and operate the sprayer single
handed. As an optional extra we can fit a small petrol generator and a drum heater with a
manual thermostat for winter working.
We will have the first of our trailer sprayers at the SED2000 show which
will be held as usual at Fen Farm, Milton Keynes. This year the show will be on the 6 to 8
June 2000. A free ticket is enclosed with this newsletter. |
Manual Request
Apart from being asked for hand-operated sprayers, we have also been
asked for a more informative operating manual. We have now completed what we believe to be
a comprehensive manual covering all types of sprayers. We have also included a list of
spare parts on the inside cover.
Please let us know what you think of the new manual - and more
importantly - if you think we have left anything out! With modern technology we are able
to have short print runs so that any amendments can be incorporated quickly and easily.
A copy of the manual is included with this newsletter for anyone who has
purchased a new Belspray in the last year. If you did not receive a new Instruction Manual
but would like one - please ask.
Our web site has been updated with the new version being available
from Monday 8 May 2000. It is amazing just how long it takes to collate all the useful
information into a readable format without breaking too many keyboards. Our web site
addresses are:
If you forget either of the above addresses just type in
and you'll find us there as well!
Contact Rosemary Hodge for further details about the Belspray sprayer at
BX Plant limited
22 Eastmead Industrial Estate
Lavant, CHICHESTER, West Sussex PO18 0DE
Tel: 01243 781970 Fax: 01243 533547 |